Digital Node continues to strengthen its relationship with British Standards Institute (BSI) in the east by supporting BSI China in delivering their BIM Management courses.

Digital Node courses are scheduled for early 2020, and we are planning to continue delivering training over the remaining months. Our trainers Rebecca De Cicco and Steven Eglinton are both certified BIM Professionals in this region of the world and have been writing and delivering BIM training throughout the globe for many years. 

BSI China has also requested support from Digital Node to deliver curriculum in Japan, and we have BSI BIM courses scheduled for delivery in the coming months. 

These courses will also be delivered by Rebecca who will initially deliver these via our virtual platforms.

BSI Japan has a keen interest in BIM and are seeing more and more requests for BIM training in this region.

As there are current issues with positioning our trainers in this region we are supporting this training virtually and this aligns to our past virtual training classes we’ve hosted for clients. 

As a keen supporter of BSI across the globe we are happy to continue our relationship with BSI in China and Japan. Further opportunities with BSI include the potential to not only support BIM training but also the smart city solutions and ISO 37122:2019 Sustainable cities and communities — Indicators for smart cities. 

There are some exciting opportunities ahead for us and we look forward to delivering our courses in these regions.